Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Major Studio: Final Project: Updates

I found a really great article on the New School's electronic library. In summary, the author attemps to better define digital typography by assigning it to the term "virtual typography". It also discusses some of the problems with text-based communication, and what designers and typographers are trying to do to solve those problems, but more in the fine arts format such as "expressive" typography and typography in motion/animation. It also addresses the issue of how people are reading less books, and how so much, maybe TOO much text is available to us in a variety of media, the internet being the main source. He basically thinks that this overload of text and information is causing people to have to processe information much faster. Text-based information is so instant and because there is so much, there is not enough time for the reader to digest the information, or slow down, or rest his/her eyes. He thinks that"only if people's sensuous perfecption supports the literal content of the message, is the communication process likely to succeed."

The name of the article is: "Virtual Typography: Time Perception in Relation to Digital Communication" and it was written by Matthias Hilner and it can be found here:
Virtual Typography Article

The author, Matthias Hilner, also has established the "Studio for Virtual Typography" which addresses the digital communication and shows his typography work and experimental work with type design.
The website is:
Studio for Virtual Typography

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