Saturday, October 6, 2007

Major Studio Interface: Design Brief

Problem statement:
In a large, fast-paced city such as New York, remembering day-to-day appointments and responsibilities can become difficult for people with busy lifestyles. Whether it is a class schedule, business meeting, or even simply to get out of bed in the morning, it seems impossible to remember it all these days without a blackberry or some type of device to remind or alert us of different tasks and events. It seems that sometimes people’s lives revolve around these handheld devices because all of their scheduling information, as well as other things, are stored in them. The new product will propose a way to incorporate them more into a person’s daily routine, in a way that is interactive, customizeable, and convenient.

Context analysis:
Existing versions of this product include any handheld PDA, such as blackberries or cell phones. They also include computer applications such as iGoogle, Outlook Express, and iCalendar. Utilization of these devices is not the most time-efficient because it is a process to get into and create schedules. Whether it is a computer or handheld device, they can also be heavy addition to your briefcase or purse. Furthermore, these devices seem impersonal, and do not have a way of reminding people of other priorities such as taking medication on time or even personal hygiene. When accessing schedules through these different devices, there are also interruptions such as incoming messages or calls, and customization options are low.

User profile:
-New Yorkers
-People who need a way to manage and remember their daily schedules
-People who multi-task and have tight-schedules
-People who need time-management
-All ages

Proposed solution:
All of the existing devices work well for scheduling, but the mirror interface proposes to improve on these products by incorporating it into the user’s daily routine. It will do this by taking on a presence in the user’s bathroom, the place where most people start and end their day and where most personal hygiene takes place. The mirror interface will allow the person to manage their daily schedules, serve as a reminder of upcoming tasks or events (i.e. taking medicine, meetings, appointments, birthdays, holidays, etc.) in a way that is interactive, customizable, and convenient. The mirror interface is a digital interactive touch-screen in your bathroom mirror that provides a way to view schedules, while also including elements from other digital devices. It is also time efficient because it allows the user to multi-task while reflecting on the current or upcoming schedules. Features include the ability to listen to the news or play music while taking a shower.

Basic requirements:
-space in bathroom for the mirror interface
-Mirror will be a digital interactive touch-screen
-Reflective touch-screen surface
-Computer or digital interface that will allow you to input, manage, and customize your schedule (computer, blackberry, etc.)
-Off and on switch near light switch in bathroom
-Customization tool/program
-Digital database of widgets for customization
-Wireless connection

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