Friday, April 4, 2008

Mini-thesis Prototype 1 -Melissa

For the first prototype I increased the complexity of the model of my space. I first began with creating simple animations with light to be used for the "walls" of the space. Since lighting is a major element of my project, I took some abstract pictures of light and animated the light in After Effects. Then I mocked up a blank space and used the light animation for the walls of the space. This prototypes what it would look like of the animation was projected onto the walls of a space that you could walk through.

The next issue with my project was deciding what type of space to depict. With recent class discussion and research about the continuity of space used in narrative and films, I thought it would best suit my project to navigate through multiple spaces and present it as if it were one space. I will accomplish this by using photographs that I have taken of all kinds of interior spaces including rooms, ceilings, floors, walls, etc. Then I will 3d-ify the photographs in After Effects, move through the space and then transition into the next space as if it were all part of the same "house" or structure. The 2nd part of my project was to manipulate space with lighting design, animation, and sound. For the final piece I would like to combine a bunch of different photos and navigate through them as if they were one space to demonstrate continuity of space. This next video prototypes the idea of navigating through a 3 dimensional photo and creating the illusion of multiple environments for one space. It's really rough and I have to work out the technical issues with using the After Effects camera, but this demonstrates my idea. Also in this prototype I use not only motion, but light to navigate through the space.

The next video is the same except I changed the color to give the space a different feeling. I plan to do much more than change the color but it just shows how the environment changes over time through color.